
AjaxDropdown needs an url, js func or controller to get data from, by default convention it will look for a controller with the same name as it + "AjaxDropdown"

Cascade using binding to parent

Parent Category:
Child Meal:

Binding controls using Parent extension, one control can be bound to multiple others, works for all editor helpers.
<div class="elabel">Parent Category:</div>
<% ParentCategory.AjaxDropdown()
.Url(Page.Url().Action("GetCategories", "Data")); %>
<awe:Ocon runat="server" ID="ParentCategory" />

<div class="elabel">Child Meal:</div>
<% ChildMeal.AjaxDropdown()
.Parent(ParentCategory.ClientID, "categories")
.Url(Page.Url().Action("GetMeals", "Data")); %>
<awe:Ocon runat="server" ID="ChildMeal" />
public ActionResult GetCategories()
return Json(Db.Categories.Select(o => new KeyContent(o.Id, o.Name)));

public ActionResult GetMeals(int[] categories)
categories = categories ?? new int[] { };
var items = Db.Meals.Where(o => categories.Contains(o.Category.Id))
.Select(o => new KeyContent(o.Id, o.Name));

return Json(items);

Bound to many parents

<% Category1.AjaxRadioList().Url(Page.Url().Action("GetCategories", "Data")); %>
<awe:Ocon runat="server" ID="Category1" />
<% Categories.AjaxCheckboxList().Url(Page.Url().Action("GetCategories", "Data")); %>
<awe:Ocon runat="server" ID="Categories" />+
<% TxtMealName.TextBox().Placeholder("where name contains").CssClass("searchtxt"); %>
<awe:Ocon runat="server" ID="TxtMealName" />
<% ChildOfManyMeal.AjaxDropdown()
.Parent(TxtMealName.ClientID, "mealName"); %>
<awe:Ocon runat="server" ID="ChildOfManyMeal" />
<% ChildOfManyMealRadioList.AjaxRadioList()
.Parent(TxtMealName.ClientID, "mealName"); %>
<awe:Ocon runat="server" ID="ChildOfManyMealRadioList" />
parent Category1 and "Categories" are being merged together and received by the controller as int[] parent
public class MealBoundToManyController : Controller
public ActionResult GetItems(int[] parent, string mealName)
mealName = mealName ?? string.Empty;
parent = parent ?? new int[] { };

var meals = Db.Meals.Where(o =>
&& o.Name.ToLower().Contains(mealName.ToLower()));

return Json(meals.Select(o => new KeyContent(o.Id, o.Name)));

Set value from get items call

<% CategorySv.AjaxDropdown()
.Url(Page.Url().Action("GetCategories", "Data")); %>
<awe:Ocon runat="server" ID="CategorySv" />

<% MealsSv.AjaxDropdown()
.Parent(CategorySv.ClientID, "categories")
.Url(Page.Url().Action("GetMealsSetValue2", "Data")); %>
<awe:Ocon runat="server" ID="MealsSv" />
public ActionResult GetMealsSetValue2(int[] categories)
categories = categories ?? new int[] { };

var items = Db.Meals.Where(o => categories.Contains(o.Category.Id)).ToList();

object value = null;
if (items.Any())
value = items.Skip(1).First().Id;

return Json(new AweItems
Items = items.Select(o => new KeyContent(o.Id, o.Name)),
Value = value

public ActionResult GetOrgSetValue()
var items = Db.Organisations.ToList();

object value = null;
if (items.Any())
value = items.Skip(2).First().Id;

return Json(new AweItems
Items = items.Select(o => new KeyContent(o.Id, o.Name)),
Value = value

Using enum for dropdown items

<% EnumAdd.AjaxDropdown().Url(Page.Url().Action("GetWeatherEnumItems", "Data")); %>
<awe:Ocon runat="server" ID="EnumAdd" />
public ActionResult GetWeatherEnumItems()
var type = typeof(WeatherType);
var items = Enum.GetValues(type).Cast<int>().Select(o => new KeyContent(o, SplitByCapLetter(Enum.GetName(type, o)))).ToList();

// remove if not needed or if used with odropdown/ajaxradiolist
items.Insert(0, new KeyContent(string.Empty, "please select"));

return Json(items);

/// <summary>
/// from HiThere to Hi There
/// </summary>
private string SplitByCapLetter(string s)
var r = new Regex(@"
(?<=[A-Z])(?=[A-Z][a-z]) |
(?<=[^A-Z])(?=[A-Z]) |
(?<=[A-Za-z])(?=[^A-Za-z])", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);

return r.Replace(s, " ");

Using predefined parameters

setting parameter parent = { Fruits, Legumes } using .Parameter and .ParameterFunc extensions
<% Meal1.AjaxDropdown()
.Parameter("categories", cat1.Id)
.Url(Page.Url().Action("GetMeals", "Data")); %>
<awe:Ocon runat="server" ID="Meal1" />
function giveParams() {
return { categories: <%=cat2.Id %> };

Events and Api

call $('#id').data('api').load() to trigger load;
