TextBox Demo

Simple textbox:

Numeric textbox:

Numeric with decimals:

Decimals and custom format:

Simple with custom format:


Simple textbox:<br />
<% Name.TextBox()
.Placeholder("type here..."); %>
<awe:Ocon runat="server" ID="Name" />
<br />
<br />
Numeric textbox:<br />
<% Numeric.TextBox().Numeric().Value(123); %>
<awe:Ocon runat="server" ID="Numeric" />
<br />
<br />
Numeric with decimals:<br />
<% NumericDec.TextBox().Numeric(o => o.Decimals()).Value(1.2); %>
<awe:Ocon runat="server" ID="NumericDec" />

<br />
<br />

Decimals and custom format:<br />
<% Number.TextBox()
.Numeric(o => o.Decimals(2).Step(0.01)); %>
<awe:Ocon runat="server" ID="Number" />
<br />
<br />

<% Percent.TextBox()
.Numeric(o => o.Decimals(2).Step(0.01).Max(1)); %>
<awe:Ocon runat="server" ID="Percent" />
<br />
<br />

<% PriceUSD.TextBox()
.Numeric(o => o.Decimals(2)); %>
<awe:Ocon runat="server" ID="PriceUSD" />
<br />
<br />

Simple with custom format:<br />
<% Exp.TextBox()
.Value("the actual value")
.FormatFunc("secret"); %>
<awe:Ocon runat="server" ID="Exp" />
<% Duration.TextBox()
.Numeric(o => o.Step(10))
.FormatFunc("duration('hour', 'hours', 'min')"); %>
<awe:Ocon runat="server" ID="Duration" />

function secret(val) {
return "secret";

function duration(hourw, hoursw, minw) {
return function (val) {
var mval = parseInt(val, 10);
if (isNaN(mval)) return val;
var hour = Math.floor(mval / 60);
var minute = mval % 60;
var res = "";
if (hour > 0) {
res += hour + " " + (hour > 1 ? hoursw : hourw);
if (minute > 0) {
res += " " + minute + " " + minw;
return res;
